It is with a great deal of enthusiasm that I welcome you to Durgapur Public School, Blooming Buds.

Observation with facts…
Reflection with combination…
Experimentation with implementation..
is what we believe knowledge is all about…

Education and knowledge are the inseparable parts of a child’s life which help one to achieve a milestone.  The whole of your life, starting the mark of your birth till the moment you relinquish life, education travels with you to help you in the process of “survival of the fittest”.


As rightly said “All great leaders have reached victory through constant perseverance”. We reckon on building a sense of trust with the little ones so that our students can believe in their small ideas and implement them in crossing even the toughest threshold coming on the way of achieving success.

Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skill that will support them, as life long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practise the core values of the school : Respect, Tolerance, Inclusion and Excellence. 


Last but not the least as a growing intuitions, I would like to express my appreciation  towards the extremely talented bunch of educators we have, who not only give their best to carve  out the talent from a kid, but also to mould  them to a perfect  individual. In this process of achieving excellence, I am also grateful to all the parents who share a vivid relationship of trust and believe in us.

